Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Book Review of Lorry's Apartheid Adventure

Book review:

Here’s the review I wrote on a book that really inspired me. Lorry’s Apartheid Adventure by Farhana Wadee. Reviewed by Nazeerah Dadabhay

I’ve never faced the oppression of apartheid, but author Farhana Wadee made me feel as if I had been there, during these tribal times from 1948 when South Africa was divided into different races. The story of how anti-apartheid activist Zunaid Pahad overcame apartheid, who remembered exactly what it was like during these times.

The reason I liked this book is because of how apartheid was truly reflected and the way Zunaid Pahad makes me see what he saw and feel the things he felt. Zunaid Pahad mentions many other hardships and how these were overcomed.

There are pictures of Nelson Mandela showing his cell and the way he was treated in Robben Island. This is why you would want to carry on reading and find out the truth behind this.

The most amazing part in this book is when the ANC won in April 1994 and South Africa had finally reached its dream and was seen as a hero.

“Lorry’s Apartheid Adventure” has many interesting characters who are heroes to the world today. It speaks about Zunaid Pahad’s (the main character) brothers Aziz Pahad Minister of Foreign Affairs and Essop Pahad Minister of Presidency.

This book was written for the youth of today, illustrating the history of South Africa and what all these heroes faced so that we today can live the way we are living.

It is all about the time of segregation, when black people were not allowed to socialize with white people. Non-whites were not allowed at certain places and certain jobs were only given to white people.

Even though this took place many years ago it will still play a major part in what South Africa is today. This is also taking part today in many other countries where people fear each others differences.

In a just world all people are alike in Gods eyes. But if you want to know what really took place and how these people became the world’s heroes you would have to read “Lorry’s Apartheid Adventure.”

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